Wall Street Journal article on Teacher Evaluation provides a good timeline, EXCEPT it is missing the longtime, widely accepted National Board for Professional Teaching Standards comprehensive, reflective teacher certification process. This process has been accepted by teachers, teacher unions, states, districts and schools as deep professional development as well as a credible certification process for accomplished teachers. Now this widely respected program is also in use with teachers across the span of their careers, as a whole school transformation model.

Too bad this article missed a review of the National Board process and results!

National Board: History and Mission of 25 year Advanced Teacher Certification Process

Teaching Moments

1982 Bill Sanders, a professor at the University of Tennessee, begins building value-added models to measure teachers’ impact on student achievement. By 1992, Tennessee education officials adopt a refined version of the model to evaluate the state’s schools.

2002 President George W. Bush’s No Child Left Behind law goes into effect, providing data that can be used to evaluate students’ growth.

2005 The University of Wisconsin’s Value-Added Research Center, or VARC, is formed by Rob Meyer.

2006 The federal Teacher Incentive Fund begins issuing grants to school systems and states to develop programs to award teachers who raise test scores.

2008 The Houston Independent School District begins issuing bonuses to teachers with high value-added rankings.

2009-2010 New York City starts including value-added data in decisions about whether to grant tenure to teachers.

2010 The $4.35 billion Race to the Top grants create incentives for states to adopt new education policies, including linking test scores to teacher evaluations.

Summer 2010 The Washington, D.C., school district uses value-added data to evaluate and fire