Ed Tech Transformation in Infographics
Impact of Meditation on Student Learning— Studies for 91 Schools in 13 States Show Positive Impact
Ed Tech Cheat Sheet— Guide to Things Finally Happening Now
The Future of Libraries— What is happening with libraries– as they provide critical internet access with shrinking budgets
- Education Technology 2040— Convergence of new technologies impacting the future of education
Text Books or Digital?— Stats on the current textbook use and student preference
Gamification of Education— the trends, opportunity, and exigency in a graphic
Education Bare— Visualizing Educational Data, Michael Marder Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin February 9, 2011
The Future of Higher Education— mapping the trends — online education, proprietary schools, changing careers
Social Media, Education, and the First Amendment— Knight Foundation graphic showing the impact of social media on student understanding of the First Amendment
Google Glass Uses in Education— Infographic from Open Colleges in Australia
How Flipped Classrooms Work— Flipping the Odds of Learning
Innovations and Products
Personalized Learning Framework from Leap Innovations— Leap Innovations of Chicago works with schools and districts in implementing personalized learning. LEAP defines effective personalized learning as meeting needs for Learner Connection, Learner Focus, Learner Demonstrated, and Learner Led.
About Sal Kahn and Kahn Academy–View of the remarkable free “flipped classroom” video lessons
CLACO lesson plan sharing–A company started by a 21-year-old coder
Knowmia Video Lessons— Flipped classroom resource– video lessons for ipads
Udacity Free Courses with Certifications— Computer science and tech courses could presage yet more
Edmodo- microblogging and class management— Facebook style communications for the classroom
Districts and Schools
Former Oakland CTO @ Oakland Unified— Gee Kin Chou Uses Business and District Experience to Create a Blueprint to District Sales
What You Need to Know About Selling to School Districts: Part One— Are You Ready for The Big Education Market Paradigm Shift? by Glen McCandless
What You Need To Know About Selling Services to School Administrators: Part Two –Tapping the Future: Creating Your New Value Proposition by Glen McCandless
Education Sales: Speaking the New Sales Language— Leilani Cauthen, The Learning Counsel