Hawai‘i Department of Education Superintendent Search
Today the Hawai‘i Board of Education interviews the 3 finalists for the state Dept of Ed Superintendency. All three were willing to answer questions I posed from a foster parent/ lifetime public education supporter/education innovator perspective. Given timing, Interim Supt. Keith Hayashi was not able to answer by today, but both candidates Darrel Galera and Caprice Young responded here.
click to open PDF — Hawai‘i DOE Superintendent Finalists – Answers to Questions

Hawaii Department Visions and Plans for Success:
Hawaii Strive Hi Vision for Success Page 2017-2020
One page “snapshot” PDF summary
One page “implementation” PDF
StriveHi Plan PDF
Hawaii Education Management Systems and Data Sources
The Department collects data with two goals in mind: 1) To provide an evolving snapshot of the academic and social health of the public education system, and 2) To create real-time feedback for teachers and administrators to help them regularly assess student performance, and create learning interventions when and where students need them.
Data Systems
Teaching in the modern era requires access to real-time and longitudinal data that can be used to monitor student progress, identify effective teacher practices and inform decision-making at the classroom, school and system levels. These data are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- Electronic Student Information System (eSIS): Includes student biographical data, attendance, elementary homeroom class lists, school master schedule, student and teacher schedules, grades/marks/report cards, enrollment, parent information, emergency contacts, diploma types available, projected graduation date, student credit accumulation, Career Technical Education progress, student health information, and homelessness.
- Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System (eCSSS): Includes student information relating to special education, English Language Learners, behavior assessments, progress monitoring, intervention and RTI management, along with support program data, action plans for at-risk students and early warning system.
- Accountability System: Compiles scores from the state assessment (and alternate and Hawaiian language versions), student scores from quarterly assessments, and School Quality Survey results.
- SMS Food Services: Produces data resulting from the Free and Reduced Price Lunch program. The Department also collects related charter schools data via the Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs.
- Electronic Human Resources System (eHR): Tracks teacher certification, payroll and personnel time & attendance.
- PDE3: Accounts for staff professional development (courses taken and completed) along with teacher evaluation data.
- Transportation: Real-time data about bus transportation and routes.
- Facilities: Data about school facilities, space and infrastructure.
- Financial Management: Repository for service verification and budget data.
- Curriculum Development & Learning Management System: Data for formative assessments, grades, attendance and instructional & curricular management.
- Migrant: Database with student-level data for students eligible for migrant services.
- Longitudinal Data System (LDS): The LDS provides reports and dashboards where teachers and administrators can access data about student academic progress and performance. The LDS enables teachers and administrators to customize existing reports by selecting specified report filters on student demographics, staff, etc., and develop what’s known as Response to Intervention (RTI) — custom supports designed to meet the specialized learning of the student. LDS data are compiled along a continuum that begins with early education and continues through K-12. The LDS receives data from several of the systems mentioned above.
The Department also produces data for the Hawaii Data Exchange Partnership (DXP) — a statewide cross-agency, longitudinal data system that links information from early learning through workforce.
Chart rating SIS (student information management systems)
Hawaii Department Visions and Plans for Success:
Hawaii Strive Hi Vision for Success Page 2017-2020
One page “snapshot” PDF summary
One page “implementation” PDF
StriveHi Plan PDF
Hawaii Education Management Systems and Data Sources
The Department collects data with two goals in mind: 1) To provide an evolving snapshot of the academic and social health of the public education system, and 2) To create real-time feedback for teachers and administrators to help them regularly assess student performance, and create learning interventions when and where students need them.
Data Systems
Teaching in the modern era requires access to real-time and longitudinal data that can be used to monitor student progress, identify effective teacher practices and inform decision-making at the classroom, school and system levels. These data are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- Electronic Student Information System (eSIS): Includes student biographical data, attendance, elementary homeroom class lists, school master schedule, student and teacher schedules, grades/marks/report cards, enrollment, parent information, emergency contacts, diploma types available, projected graduation date, student credit accumulation, Career Technical Education progress, student health information, and homelessness.
- Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System (eCSSS): Includes student information relating to special education, English Language Learners, behavior assessments, progress monitoring, intervention and RTI management, along with support program data, action plans for at-risk students and early warning system.
- Accountability System: Compiles scores from the state assessment (and alternate and Hawaiian language versions), student scores from quarterly assessments, and School Quality Survey results.
- SMS Food Services: Produces data resulting from the Free and Reduced Price Lunch program. The Department also collects related charter schools data via the Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs.
- Electronic Human Resources System (eHR): Tracks teacher certification, payroll and personnel time & attendance.
- PDE3: Accounts for staff professional development (courses taken and completed) along with teacher evaluation data.
- Transportation: Real-time data about bus transportation and routes.
- Facilities: Data about school facilities, space and infrastructure.
- Financial Management: Repository for service verification and budget data.
- Curriculum Development & Learning Management System: Data for formative assessments, grades, attendance and instructional & curricular management.
- Migrant: Database with student-level data for students eligible for migrant services.
- Longitudinal Data System (LDS): The LDS provides reports and dashboards where teachers and administrators can access data about student academic progress and performance. The LDS enables teachers and administrators to customize existing reports by selecting specified report filters on student demographics, staff, etc., and develop what’s known as Response to Intervention (RTI) — custom supports designed to meet the specialized learning of the student. LDS data are compiled along a continuum that begins with early education and continues through K-12. The LDS receives data from several of the systems mentioned above.
The Department also produces data for the Hawaii Data Exchange Partnership (DXP) — a statewide cross-agency, longitudinal data system that links information from early learning through workforce.
Chart rating SIS (student information management systems)
Hawaii Department Visions and Plans for Success:
Hawaii Strive Hi Vision for Success Page 2017-2020
One page “snapshot” PDF summary
One page “implementation” PDF
StriveHi Plan PDF
Hawaii Education Management Systems and Data Sources
The Department collects data with two goals in mind: 1) To provide an evolving snapshot of the academic and social health of the public education system, and 2) To create real-time feedback for teachers and administrators to help them regularly assess student performance, and create learning interventions when and where students need them.
Data Systems
Teaching in the modern era requires access to real-time and longitudinal data that can be used to monitor student progress, identify effective teacher practices and inform decision-making at the classroom, school and system levels. These data are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- Electronic Student Information System (eSIS): Includes student biographical data, attendance, elementary homeroom class lists, school master schedule, student and teacher schedules, grades/marks/report cards, enrollment, parent information, emergency contacts, diploma types available, projected graduation date, student credit accumulation, Career Technical Education progress, student health information, and homelessness.
- Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System (eCSSS): Includes student information relating to special education, English Language Learners, behavior assessments, progress monitoring, intervention and RTI management, along with support program data, action plans for at-risk students and early warning system.
- Accountability System: Compiles scores from the state assessment (and alternate and Hawaiian language versions), student scores from quarterly assessments, and School Quality Survey results.
- SMS Food Services: Produces data resulting from the Free and Reduced Price Lunch program. The Department also collects related charter schools data via the Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs.
- Electronic Human Resources System (eHR): Tracks teacher certification, payroll and personnel time & attendance.
- PDE3: Accounts for staff professional development (courses taken and completed) along with teacher evaluation data.
- Transportation: Real-time data about bus transportation and routes.
- Facilities: Data about school facilities, space and infrastructure.
- Financial Management: Repository for service verification and budget data.
- Curriculum Development & Learning Management System: Data for formative assessments, grades, attendance and instructional & curricular management.
- Migrant: Database with student-level data for students eligible for migrant services.
- Longitudinal Data System (LDS): The LDS provides reports and dashboards where teachers and administrators can access data about student academic progress and performance. The LDS enables teachers and administrators to customize existing reports by selecting specified report filters on student demographics, staff, etc., and develop what’s known as Response to Intervention (RTI) — custom supports designed to meet the specialized learning of the student. LDS data are compiled along a continuum that begins with early education and continues through K-12. The LDS receives data from several of the systems mentioned above.
The Department also produces data for the Hawaii Data Exchange Partnership (DXP) — a statewide cross-agency, longitudinal data system that links information from early learning through workforce.
Chart rating SIS (student information management systems)
Hawaii Department Visions and Plans for Success:
Hawaii Strive Hi Vision for Success Page 2017-2020
One page “snapshot” PDF summary
One page “implementation” PDF
StriveHi Plan PDF
Hawaii Education Management Systems and Data Sources
The Department collects data with two goals in mind: 1) To provide an evolving snapshot of the academic and social health of the public education system, and 2) To create real-time feedback for teachers and administrators to help them regularly assess student performance, and create learning interventions when and where students need them.
Data Systems
Teaching in the modern era requires access to real-time and longitudinal data that can be used to monitor student progress, identify effective teacher practices and inform decision-making at the classroom, school and system levels. These data are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
- Electronic Student Information System (eSIS): Includes student biographical data, attendance, elementary homeroom class lists, school master schedule, student and teacher schedules, grades/marks/report cards, enrollment, parent information, emergency contacts, diploma types available, projected graduation date, student credit accumulation, Career Technical Education progress, student health information, and homelessness.
- Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System (eCSSS): Includes student information relating to special education, English Language Learners, behavior assessments, progress monitoring, intervention and RTI management, along with support program data, action plans for at-risk students and early warning system.
- Accountability System: Compiles scores from the state assessment (and alternate and Hawaiian language versions), student scores from quarterly assessments, and School Quality Survey results.
- SMS Food Services: Produces data resulting from the Free and Reduced Price Lunch program. The Department also collects related charter schools data via the Office of Hawaii Child Nutrition Programs.
- Electronic Human Resources System (eHR): Tracks teacher certification, payroll and personnel time & attendance.
- PDE3: Accounts for staff professional development (courses taken and completed) along with teacher evaluation data.
- Transportation: Real-time data about bus transportation and routes.
- Facilities: Data about school facilities, space and infrastructure.
- Financial Management: Repository for service verification and budget data.
- Curriculum Development & Learning Management System: Data for formative assessments, grades, attendance and instructional & curricular management.
- Migrant: Database with student-level data for students eligible for migrant services.
- Longitudinal Data System (LDS): The LDS provides reports and dashboards where teachers and administrators can access data about student academic progress and performance. The LDS enables teachers and administrators to customize existing reports by selecting specified report filters on student demographics, staff, etc., and develop what’s known as Response to Intervention (RTI) — custom supports designed to meet the specialized learning of the student. LDS data are compiled along a continuum that begins with early education and continues through K-12. The LDS receives data from several of the systems mentioned above.
The Department also produces data for the Hawaii Data Exchange Partnership (DXP) — a statewide cross-agency, longitudinal data system that links information from early learning through workforce.
Chart rating SIS (student information management systems)