PBL – Project-Based Learning

“Learning Matrix” Transformation Model Responding to Pandemic Losses, Career Needs, and Learning Technology Opportunities

Given the losses our students have sustained, the communications technology environment they live in– texting, gaming, making media– changes to the traditional lecture, worksheets, classes of 25-28 all doing the same thing may be out of date.

Project-based learning could relate learning to communities and careers, while still teaching and tracking student mastery of standards-based curriculum skills and knowledge. Students could learn in large or small groups, in flipped learning on their own. Each student could have their own personalized learning plan and their progress could be one-click visible to their parents, teachers, and school admin.

“Learning Matrix” is a concept to replace the traditional school schedule and physical constructs with more personalized, varied, learning activities, modes, and schedules – using current technologies and supporting the development of skills required for career participation in today’s economy.

This paper, by Learning Counsel’s Leilani Cauthen, presents the concept of the Learning Matrix discussed by district and ed tech leaders.

The Learning Counsel is an organization that brings K-12 district and school leaders together with learning technology leaders to envision changes in schools and learning.