Games as Game Changers in Education!
Thoughts on 3 D Printers, Video Gaming, Productivity
With the advent of science and technology, as 3D printers and other innovations boost production efficiency, will most global citizens adjust to a schedule of reduced work hours?
A world of more leisure was predicted in the 60’s and 70’s but it has largely not been realized until now.
Are we moving towards a yet greater “underworked” and “overworked” imbalance—with highly effective leaders working extensive hours and others being cut back in hours or jobs?
Has the younger generation begun the migration to a lower number of hours in the workweek already– given that fewer fulltime jobs are available and more young people are living with freelance employment?
Will reduced hours further fuel the spike in hours spent gaming and internet browsing/learning/researching/distracting?
What do you think this will look like? Utopia? Dystopia?
Sim City Education
Learning Is Delightful
…if we don’t spoil it with clumsy efforts to control it, if we use a light, caring, skilled, technologically and psychometrically advanced touch to orchestrate learning. Leveraging exemplary resources, honoring teachers, adding our talent, expertise, and concern to that of professional educators, we can support individualized learning for each learner. All humans deserve to learn and to develop their skills and talents. Now we have the capability to support learning for all and we can work to measure learning in less primitive and limited ways. Here are some of the strategies we hope to see more of in 2011 and beyond.
- Know what each learner knows and what grabs their interest in order to provide the most engaging and effective lesson.
- Individualize learning– providing support for each learner keyed to their interest, knowledge, and skill.
- Use our current technology and knowledge to develop engaging cross-curricular learning.
- Support learning programs that address real world problems and yield real world work.
- Utilize cooperative learning strategies for students to learn from each other in groups and to learn to listen, speak, and cooperate effectively.
- Assess student skiils and knowledge while they learn, integrated in learning, rather than in year-end tests.
- Leverage media, news, and social media in learning to connect students with history, the real world, and each other, around the world.
- Integrate all subjects in learning — as all subjects integrate in life and work.
- Provide year-round, day and night blended* learning opportunities to all, extending the school day and the school year.
- Share great lectures and lessons across classrooms, schools, districts, and states.
- Hire more art, music, dance, PE teachers and integrate their teaching in core subject learning.
- Enable all students to be taught by master teachers for at least a class a week.
- Increase hands-on science, engineering, art, music, math and project-based learning opportunities.
* Blended learning=live in-person coaching or instruction blended with asynchronous and synchronous online lessons and resources.