Above is an image and excerpt from “Exploring the Islands – A History of Hawai‘i” – a “book” I just “wrote” using AllCourse’s AI “BookBaker”!
Can we create meaningful books using AI?
Will this revolutionize non fiction book publishing?
AllCourse has launched a new app– “BookBaker” which enables instant book creation.
Text books are supported especially well — with chapters, images, sidebar, and follow up questions.
Book Baker is still in beta form. We cannot yet edit easily, list creator, or search easily for books created. But José Ferreira and his team are putting out enhancements even as we write.
This application creates books at an amazingly low price point. I’ve created 4 books for under $50. This could have a major impact on district instructional budgets and could empower teachers to revise, share, update books and make them more relevant to their locale and to their students.
Also, these books can be available to parents at no additional cost. Family engagement is so important to student success, yet most district content is not easily accessible to parents.
Here are the “books” I’ve created so far:
“Dada- Art History for High School“
“Exploring the Islands – a History of Hawai‘i“
“The State of Education Technology in the U.S.“
“The Erosion of Democracy in the U.S. and Abroad since 2000”
I am going to test this application with teachers here in Hawai‘i. We hope to create textbooks of quality. And we hope to learn how teachers cound revise and integrate such books into our instructional models.