New Posts, Opinion, Articles, Links
Sal Khan – making personalized education reach billions
Math Drops for US Students – Gap widens between High and Low and Boys and Girls
Was Los Angeles Schools’ $6 Million AI Venture a Disaster Waiting to Happen? – The 74
The vision for what the much-hyped chatbot could do is ‘really not possible with where the technology is today,’ one insider says. — Read on
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning – Office of Educational Technology
The need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education. — Read on
Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence | The White House
Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence | The White House — Read on
10 Emerging Considerations as SEAs Shape AI Guidelines & Guardrails in K–12
“The arc of AI and this technology is profound. We will look back to the year 2023 and we will talk about it like we did about Sputnik or the moon landing–or birth of the internet. It might be more important than all of those moments.” — Alex Kotran, CEO, The AI Education Project (AiEDU), speaking...
AI Impacts on Non-Technical Field
Education today results from rigorous exposure to live insights across the World, which is inevitably fuelled by technology and Artificial Intelligence. Transcending geographical barriers, while technology connects us to every corner of the world, AI enables this virtual world. The Oxford...
What We Know About Accelerating Student Achievement and Helping Young People Thrive – from AIR
"While K-12 academic learning influences multiple dimensions of life success, concerns about declining achievement among 9- and 13- year old students in key subjects like math and reading—as reported by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP—have led to questions about the...
AI – a view of the change it brings – from ASU/GSV Michael Moe ASU/GSV - Michael Moe on the Impact of AI
Supporting Students Learning to Evaluate Sources- Assessment Approach from Joel Breakstone, Mark Smith and Sarah McGrew
Educational interventions in a variety of contexts have shown that students can learn the strategies professional fact checkers use to evaluate the credibility of online sources. Researchers conducting these interventions have developed new kinds of assessments—instruments that measure...
Job demand for college degree growing in Hawaii, report finds | Honolulu Star-Advertiser
The proportion of U.S. jobs requiring postsecondary preparation continues to inch upward, and by 2031 in Hawaii, 70% of job openings will require some type of education and/or training beyond high school, says a report from researchers at Georgetown University. — Read on...
Experts Give Biden High Marks on Student Achievement Agenda. But What About Parents? – The 74
While tutoring, chronic absenteeism and extra-learning time are shared priorities, some point to an “urgency gap” between educators and parents. — Read on
Arizona State and OpenAI Are Now Partners. What Does That Mean?
The arrangement aims to increase campus access to GPT-4. — Read on
Publishing Books with AI – BookBaker Beta
Above is an image and excerpt from "Exploring the Islands - A History of Hawai‘i" - a "book" I just "wrote" using AllCourse's AI "BookBaker"!Can we create meaningful books using AI? Will this revolutionize non fiction book publishing? AllCourse has launched a new app-- "BookBaker" which enables...
The Imperative for High-Quality Pre-K – Deborah Stupski
The 74 is partnering with Stanford University’s Hoover Institution to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the ‘A Nation At Risk’ report. Hoover’s A Nation At Risk +40 research initiative spotlights insights and analysis from experts, educators and policymakers as to what evidence shows about the...